Super Wipeout: New PC-50X port to the Fairchild Channel F

Today's new addition to the Channel F catalogue is Super Wipeout ( ), a game originally released on the PC-50X, a system pre-ROM chip that console-ised arcade games to be usable on a home television screen.

When Pong clones started to get a little more interesting, the idea of collecting dots on the screen became a thing. Later on "Breakout" also released, with the idea of blocks being taken and knocking the ball back when hit. This game offered a combination of both styles, though only Breakout really became famous, and the dot collecting mechanic died out soon after it was made.

Even for the PC-50X, the game was fortunate enough to have many game modes, all of which I have implemented in this port, while also allowing a few others through the combination of features from the other game modes. This helps to create a setup very similar in design to the early 2600 games where there were many variations.

The game features both single player and two player modes, coming in three formats: Wipeout (where players go for the same dots), Super Wipeout (players can only collect dots of their Paddle colour) and Breakout (knock out the blocks to get to the other side).

The difficulty can also be increased with the use of the Practice, Regular and Middle Barrier mode, all of which were featured in limited circumstances on the original PC-50X game.

The combinations provided means you can get new modes not intended originally, though not all of these may be "fun". Single player Super Wipeout for example, is a mode where you can only get half the dots. Allowing all modes to have practice setting where there is back walls means 2 players can play without worrying about the ball going out of play and feeling like they can't catch the ball in time. Allowing the barrier in Breakout mode means you can play a totally new experience not originally intended.

Big thanks to "Sut" who has been very generous with supporting me on and suggesting this port. Thanks to you I actually got round to doing it! Stunt Cycle next?

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